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OSTF 3-7-05
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of March 7, 2005

Meeting Called To Order:  5:30p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:55p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Carol Heffler, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT: Karl Reichle, Betty Osborne

·       Minutes from the February 7, 2005 were unanimously accepted.

NOTE:   The second paragraph, second sentence should read:  The South Windsor Police have been called many times but because of lack of specialty equipment (i.e.:  ATV’s or snowmobiles) have been unable to catch and cite the encroachers.

·       Botteron reported that she spoke with Town Manager Matt Galligan about the Nagy property, approximately one acre, located on Sally Drive, and he stated this property has not sold; it is back on the market.   The real estate agent reported that the land is too wet to build on.  This property is listed in the Open Space Master Plan and would link non-contiguous subdivision open space.   The Town Manager made an offer on this parcel.  He will keep the Task Force updated on the results.

·       NOTE:  Guest Rob Mannarino  informed Banach that he could not attend this evening’s meeting because of a family emergency.

·       Rob Mannarino, developer of the Joseph Lane Estates Homes requested to come  before the Task Force regarding changes he would like to make to the in the configuration of this subdivision open space.  The Planning and Zoning Commission suggested that Mr. Mannarino come before the Open Space Task Force with his new plans.  

After much discussion, members felt since our committee receives our directives and is advisory to the Town Council only, we should not be advisory to any other committee or commission.  We had reviewed and rated this property submitting, in writing, with our recommendations to the Town Manager on December 6, 2004. It was agreed that Larsen would report this conclusion to the Planning and Zoning Commission, which could then direct Mr. Mannarino as PZC sees fit. It would be by directives issued through the Council that the Open Space Task Force would react again to this subdivision open space.

·       Warren, Evans, and Botteron reported that no one from the State Agriculture Department could be present at the Town Council work session on February 22nd. to speak about agricultural development rights. However, Attorney David Platt, with an invitation from the Task Force, did address this Council’s Work Session.  He did outstanding job of speaking about purchasing development rights and other methods of preserving land.  Botteron wrote a letter of appreciation to Attorney Platt for his presentation.

·        Asplund and Normen had previously compiled facts and figures on the cost of residential development versus land remaining as open space.  Asplund would like to take this to a Council work session. Botteron will make arrangements to do so.

·       Banach e-mailed everyone criteria for the DEP grant monies available from the State to purchase open space.  The deadline for application is May 20, 2005.  The Task Force reviewed the Open Space Master Plan maps of properties desirable for possible Town ownership.  It was decided to ask the Town Manager to pursue acquisition of these properties.   The Collins family, who has a parcel of land indicated on this map, has stated they are not interested in selling a particular parcel to the Town, therefore, they will not be contacted.   

·       The Eugene Policelli Service Award Committee has requested the Open Space Task Force to choose adult(s) and high school senior nominees.  With overwhelming response members chose Evans and Warren for the adult nominees.  Members have not personally worked with a high school senior that would fit the criteria for a nomination.  Botteron will fill out the paperwork and submit to the Board of Education Evans and Warren’s names by the March 11th. deadline.

·       Botteron asked the Open Space Task Force to think of a name change for our standing committee.   Task Force indicates a temporary committee, however, in 1996 the Town Council declared us a standing committee.  This will be discussed at a later meeting.

·       Warren noted that PA 490 agriculture letters have been sent to farmland owners.  Fifteen have been returned because of address changes.  Address corrections will be made and they will be re-mailed.  One landowner did respond favorably to potential farm preservation (easement, development rights, etc) and Warren will keep the Task Force abreast as to the owner’s specific desires.

Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2005